

               As a matter of fact, environment pollution suggests the filthy environment and ecological imbalance due to garbage, dirt and unnecessary things scattered to and fro after human usage. Pollution is of different kinds as; sound pollution, soil pollution, air pollution and water pollution. These kinds of pollution adversely affect the environment and lives of people alike.

Sound pollution results from the excessive noise created by the vehicles, complicated machines, bombs etc. Such types of pollution create havoc on people's life. Sound pollution damages hearing capacity of people. AS a result, premature hearing loss, giddiness and mental
disturbance occur. Sound pollution also disturbs the serenity of the environment. It greatly affects the peaceful environment.

Similarly, soil pollution affects the farmers' course of lives and general public. The fertility of land is completely destroyed by dint of soil pollution. Also, it engenders health hazards to the vicinity where children usually play. Soil pollution may cause a number of diseases since the vegetables are produced in soil. As people consume vegetables as such, they become sick.

Likewise, air pollution has become a severe threat at present. The dust, smoke and old vehicles, large machines, industries etc. are the causes of air pollution. Air pollution creates the disease as asthma that is incurable. Also it engenders most of the respiratory diseases. Air pollution is fatal especially to the aged people and the children. It also carries many contagious diseases and affects people's lives severely.

Lastly, water pollution is another threat to the people of rural area and town dweller alike. Water pollution is created by mixing sewage in water sources, throwing dead animals in water sources and even using chemicals there irrationally. On the one hand, such water is unhealthy to drink. On the other hand, it is equally dangerous to wash clothes and clean utensil there. When the children swim in the small river and pond they become severely affected due to pollution. Water pollution is one of the main causes of diarrhea. Especially the people of slum areas prone to suffer from water pollution.

In this way, pollution is hostile to human beings though they are themselves responsible for creating it. Pollution shortens human lives and pushes them in the threshold of disease. Thus, it is our responsibility to lessen pollution by planting trees, managing garbage sites, preserving the Sources of water and above all acting rationally.


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